Cluster BM3 allocation during 2017 tail orbits


This page describes the implementation of BM3 dumps for the period when the Cluster apogee is in the magnetosheath or solar wind between May 2017 and November 2017.


  • A BM3 dump is required twice per orbit.
  • EFW will use BM3 to dump very high-resolution data.
  • BM3 scheduling should have minimum impact on other scientific data-taking.
  • BM3 scheduling should not signficantly add to the complexity of operation preparation.
  • In particular it should be straightforward to insert a baseline set of BM3 periods into the MSP template.

    Proposed implementation

    The requirements above can be satisfied by scheduling BM3 dumps near perigee and apogee. The apogee case is straightforward so we deal with that first. The perigee case is much more tricky because of the complexity of operations in that region.

    Apogee case

    In this case JSOC proposes to schedule the BM3 dump at apogee. This may occasionally conflict with some other operation, e.g. solar wind BM1, WBD period, no-data-taking period. In these cases JSOC will resolve the conflict by moving the BM3 dumps by a few hours (forward or backward as appropriate, but earlier is preferred).

    Perigee case

    The period within a few hours of perigee will be restricted by eclipses during parts of this period and will be the target of science observations, e.g. equatorial chorus studies, away from eclipses. We have therefore continued the perigee strategy with BM3 4 hours before perigee throughout the period. This will be adjusted on a case-by-case basis to deliver the best science targeting and to match payload off times ahead of eclipses.

    See the Bryant plot for the 2017 tail constellation.

    Implementation in MSP template

    Starting with this constellation, the baseline set of BM3 periods is tied to a new set of events (type 3B) that are inserted when we generate the events file (msp_planning.txt) used to construct the new template. These events are inserted at 4 hours before C1 perigee and at C1 apogee, but with the 3B event times rounded to nearest minute. This greatly simplifies the task of constructing the baseline BM3 periods.

    Last updated by  Mike Hapgood ( mike.hapgood@stfc.ac.uk), and Helen Walker ( helen.walker@stfc.ac.uk), 6 February 2017

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